September Williams Author of Chasing Mercury explores the art of Sto Len
In my on going devotion to see works of art as inspiration for my writing, I've recently visited and met Stol Len at his San Francisco exhibition. Sto Len is an environmental artist among other things. In the “Waste” print series. Utilizes a completely natural, if damaged, environment to create his work, navigating waterways by rowboat, Sto uses highly polluted areas like the Newtown Creek in NY as his medium by marbling what is floating on top of the water. Capturing both natural substances and a wide array of man-made pollutants, these prints contain the results of industrial pollution. Dumped oil, discarded toxins, litter and sewage overflow mix with algae, sticks, plants, dust, and dirt to create intricate patterns and painterly splashes. July 22 – Aug 31 2017 Opening Saturday July 22 6- 10pm: Runoff – A solo exhibition Parlor, 235 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94103