September Wiliams Author of Chasing Mercury will be at 9/15/2017 opening of CINE+MAAS SF LATINO FILM FESTIVAL
Well it's Festival Season again, both film and Literary. I will be very busy between the Film Festivals and the SF LitQuake/LitCrawl Reading in October. To kick of my fall film reviews, I as BIOETHICS SCREEN REFLECTIONS, will cover the opening night of CINE+MAS the San Francisco Latino Film Festival. I will also cover other films. In the Grand Tradition of FIlm and Literary Festivals events are decentralized and spread through the community particularly the Mission, Castro and downtown San Francisco. The opening night film of the SF Latino Film Festival is:
Ruta Madre on 9/15, 2017, at the Alamo Draft House Theater in the Mission. More info at: More info at Cine+Mas SF / San Francisco Latino Film Festival The 2017 #SFLFF See you at the movies. Here is the trailer for the festival
photo here (by Pamela Rex) is of of me with the Director of Cry Now Alberto Barbosa at the 2014 CINE+MAS festival.