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September Williams Author of Chasing Mercury: Comfort Lit for LitQuake

One of Chasing Mercury's reviewers wrote, "What makes it ( Chasing Mercury)  stand apart is a tinkling, sweet quality... in the midst of tragedy the special something remains that gives glitter and shine to the story."--SX --Clearly hitting on that Comfort Lit thingy. I can assure you that Chasing Mercury is no where near a fairy tale ending -- so much so that it will take 2 books more to clarify it. 

I think it is because of that one simple thing -- in hard times family and friends band together and make the best of it. A main character, Sicily, has a mother who throws in a wise word from time to time in the story -- one of those bits is, "Freedom is a constant struggle, driven by our own good cheer."  I'm thinking this is what makes Chasing Mercury comfort literature. 

Anyway, come out to Mechanics Institute Library for LitQuake's Comfort Lit  reading of Chasing Mercury - 12 noon June 6.  If you are lucky enough to spend time at the beach or camping this summer -- or even in your back yard or on the balcony -- Chasing Mercury is great summer reading. Please, if you have any comments about this weird comfort lit thing -- shoot me a note!