Ninth Month Productions
“I never meant to be a filmmaker. I always wanted to know how stories worked, thanks to Dr. Seuss. An only child until I was in my twenties, before I was ten, my closest pal was the TV. At ten, a 35 mm camera sprang into my life. The lens taught me to look at the world more closely and hear it better. Clues in a single frame made a whole story materialize. In hindsight, it was inevitable that I’d do a stint in film school. Many are surprised that I did so after I was a doctor but I did it because I was a physician.”
For the password to screen this When We Are Asked: About Crossing Over contact Director/Producer September Williams HERE
WHEN WE ARE ASKED: About Crossing Over (2021) September Williams, director—producer, USA, Ninth Month Productions, (61 min).
WHEN WE ARE ASKED: ABOUT CROSSING OVER (WWAA) is a documentary film exploring end of life issues from the perspective of African Americans. It considers Family, Struggles, Spirituality and the use of Icons of culture. Though African Americans are disproportionately at risk for early deaths with more suffering, what was meant to explain how African American deaths were different than others resulted in universal human truths being articulated across, race, class and culture. The evidence is that needs are consistent near life’s end. However, the quality of the last dance is very much dependent on the timing of care— not just at end but throughout life.
The 2021 re-release of WHEN WE ARE ASKED: ABOUT CROSSING OVER was mandated by the redundancy of history, placing the peoples of the USA and the rest of the world into yet another mass death scenario. This one related to COVID. The original production funding was delayed in 2001, because the World Trade Center had been bombed. We were also in the thick of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic and the unconcionable cost of drugs which could begin to ameliorate that virus. Shooting of WWAA began without funding. Yet, the team did not deter from seeking the truth.
Hundreds of hours of testimony on end of life was taken from Washington DC to Hawaii, New York to New Mexico, Los Angeles to Georgia; Chicago to Alabama. The new release of the feature length WHEN WE ARE ASKED: About Crossing Over, derives from that vast archives.
AN ACT OF UNITY (2021) — For more about AN ACT OF UNITY Click here for director: Cedric O’Bannon (OB Media). Click here for more on Co-Producer/ Writer: September Williams (Ninth Month Productions), and for festival submission information and trailers Click: Film Freeway. Other details and synopsis are at: IMDB/IMDBPRO (Close Caption and multiple AI languages translations.)
BACKLASH (2021) — For more about BACKLASH director and other info Click Here: Cedric O’Bannon (OB Media). For more on Co-Producer/ Writer Click here: September Williams (Ninth Month Productions) and for festival submission info and for trailers click: Film Freeway, other details and synopsis Click: IMDB/IMDBPRO (Close Caption and multiple AI languages translations.)
AN EXERCISE IN EMPATHY (2020) — Director Cedric O’Bannon immortalizes, author, filmmaker, physician, bioethicist September Williams' Visit to California State University—Chico, in honor of researchers, teachers, and healthcare workers and students on the front lines of the SARS-CoVID19 Pandemic, while still on the heals of the aftermath of the devastating Paradise Wild Fire in the same community. For more information about click here: Cedric O’Bannon (OB Media). For more on Co-Producer/ Writer recent projects Click here: September Williams (Ninth Month Productions) and for festival submission info and for trailers click: Film Freeway, other details and synopsis Click: IMDB/IMDBPRO
Earlier Ninth Month Productions WORKS
DANCE FOR JOY, directed by September Williams (2008) USA. Produced by Irene Martinez. Productions. 10 min. Using African Dance to Promote Health.
A CONVERSATION ON MORAL INTUITION directed by September Williams. (2000) USA. Ninth Month Productions (55 min) This is a documentary featuring major contributors to ending the U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee, Alabama and the establishment of the National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care. Includes Whistle Blower Peter Buxton, Attorney Fred Gray, Associate Press Journalist Edie Letterer, Physician Playwright Dr. David Feldshuh and Dr. Marian Gray Secundy.
EASTER (16MM directed by September Williams. (1995) USA. Ninth Month Productions 20 min. A fictionalization of Post Traumatic Stress for a woman who is a survivor of torture political repression.
REMORALIZATION (16MM/DVD) directed by September Williams. (1995) USA. Ninth Month Productions. 30 min. A tribute to the death of hundreds of people who died in the Chicago’s Heat Inversion of the 1990s and those medical staff who served them.