Author GiGi Panderian ( the Accidental Alchemist and others) sent a note today reminding me that this is the day that the Loving Decision was handed down by the US supreme court confirming the right to marry and have children under the 4th Amendment of the United States and the 16th Article of the Declaration of human rights. of the Declaration of Human Rights. This is the Anniversary of the Loving Decision in the USA supreme court.Confirming the right to marry and have family as outlined in Article 16 of the Declaration of Human Rights.
It was only in 1968 that the Supreme Court of the USA ruled that interracial marriage is legal to see my the two-part review--and be aware that we, at this time, on this date of today as a nation are moving backward in terms of family protections under the law--if we do not stop it. Have you checked the news today to see what is being done in our name? see both parts of the review Part I and 2 — then watch the movie and recommit to justice for families that are being torn asunder.
What Stella Sees written by author Sarah Kornfeld is the sort of novel any publisher would want to to share, though few will have the opportunity to do so. Cove International Publishers finds itself with a remarkable author of literary fiction grounded at once in reality and fantasy. Sarah hits it to the horizon on the first swing. The project is accented by the extraordinary editor & book interior engineer, Eric P. Carlson. The cover is by designer Marta E. Johansen, working with the exquisite image of the consummate Danish artist and photographer Lone Morch.
What Stella Sees is equally lyrical as it is brassy in its exploration of love, family, and the environment. It is an inditement of medicine while extolling its processes. Stella awaits her readers, now on Amazon, and coming soon through Ingram Partners to booksellers near you. Here is a little bit more
In the the throws of of helping the publication of Sarah Kornfeld’s “What Stella Sees” I saw the original certificate of copyright for that book. It was signed by the same person as who signed that of Chasing Mercury. I realized that it was just over a year ago when one of the finest public servants the nation has known resisted collaboration with —well— what we have in our government today— Are is the piece form last year. piece — the “Canary in the Tunnel.” I’ve republished it for you here today.
“I had a very strange experience today. I went to the drawer where I keep my copyright certificates for film and written works. I couldn’t remember the date I received the copyright for Chasing Mercury. I needed it for the front matter of the book as we prepare to publish. I opened the drawer, in the space which we laughingly refer to as my desk. The copyrights are there so my kids can find them when I die. I fished out and unfolded the certificate. Then I saw it—”
There is something inherently exhausting about compacting 3 years of work into 12 hours of audio recording -- I guess it's what makes diamonds. I had a great 4 days with Greg, a super sound engineer at Command Productions in Sausalito, recording the audiobook edition for Chasing Mercury. It's off to the distributors and hopefully it will be available by the end of this week or next...
In the the throws of of helping the publication of Sarah Kornfeld’s “What Stella Sees” I saw the original certificate of copyright for that book. It was signed by the same person as who signed that of Chasing Mercury. I realized that it was just over a year ago when one of the finest public servants the nation has known resisted collaboration with —well— what we have in our government today— Are is the piece form last year. piece — the “Canary in the Tunnel.” I’ve republished it for you here today.
“I had a very strange experience today. I went to the drawer where I keep my copyright certificates for film and written works. I couldn’t remember the date I received the copyright for Chasing Mercury. I needed it for the front matter of the book as we prepare to publish. I opened the drawer, in the space which we laughingly refer to as my desk. The copyrights are there so my kids can find them when I die. I fished out and unfolded the certificate. Then I saw it—”
As the sun rises, the bus crosses the River Spree, pulling through the gates of Berlin’s Humboldt University. Hundreds of young adults perch in the stone courtyard, some hanging from the balcony, guarded by marble pillars and neoclassical Roman roof sculptures. Guitars in hand, a chorus of ‘C’s serenade them—Cape Verdeans, Cambodians, Cameroonians, Czechs, Chileans, Colombians, Costa Ricans and Cubans. They greet the tardy Canadians, voices filling the sweltering damp dawn with Cat Stevens’s song Baby, Baby It’s a Wild World--