In the film AN EXERCISE IN EMPATHY producer-director and journalist, Cedric O’Bannon features September Williams, MD, Author, Bioethicist, immortalizing her, February 2020 Visit to CSU-Chico. The visit was co-hosted by the CSU Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the School of Nursing. The work honors researchers, teachers, and healthcare workers on the frontlines of the SARS-CoVID19 Pandemic. For more info and Screener click HERE
Hi, I hope you are all well and beginning a holiday break!
For your Calendar:
September Williams MD-Writer- Filmmaker will be at California State University-Chico (CSU-Chico) speaking and screening her film When We Are Asked: About Crossing Over (WWAA), February 12, 202When We Are asked is a 360 view one-hour documentary narrative about End of Life Issues from the perspective of African Americans and those who are allied and provide care for those who are living until they die. She is presenting as a part of the CSU- CONVERSATIONS ON DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION series at 12 noon in room BMU 210 and a 6 PM full screening. For more venue information contact CSU-Chico office of diversity and inclusion For more on my screen work at IMDb and for recent film reviews I’ve written go to
The business of being a writer is much harder than that of being a physician — well on me anyway. They taught me how to practice medicine while have to teach myself or find those to teach me the trade aspects of being a writer.
I wanted to thank all of my family, friends and readers for the outpouring of greetings for my birthday and the support for my work you have shown. Though these are enormously hard times for the nation, the world, the ecology… I am heartened by the interest my peers and my children and therir peers have shown in making the world a better place — PLEASE MAKE TIME AND SPACE TO GET OUT THE VOTE FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTIONS — Which begin in February see
The first Primary/Caucus is in February — only 4 months away. To make the world inch those two steps forward — even if we then go one step back—we have got to get out the vote. I’m looking forward to sharing reviews of 8 films over the next months before Christmas the will help you feel why I believe we really have to make this the focus for the end of the year year. I believe each film I’ve screened for this collection of reviews have profound implications bioethicaly and in terms of what my nephew, grandchildren and baby cousins will be facing. Though I am also busy working on Book II of the Chasing Mercury Toxic Trilogy- Weighing Lead. I consider getting out the vote as a part of that work — because the lead and the mercury cleanup work can’t properly happen under the current political circumstances in our nation.
Meanwhile keep an eye out for the film reviews in the pre film award season screenings — just a heads up —PLAN TO SEE THE FILM ‘JUST MERCY’ on Christmas Day. Everyday someone does the impossible and let it be me and you. I’ve screened Just MERCY and let’s just say —- we pulled off a film industry coup with our support of HIDDEN FIGURES openning on Xmas Day in 2016 — which financially helped fuel STEAM programs but we lost the momentum by loosing a government that cared about STEAM. Let’s support JUST MERCY and work and get a government back that believes in JUST MERCY.I write about films I want to support and I want you to help me support! …Oh yes, and if you haven’t, have a look at my new review on of the film: THE LURE OF THIS LAND directed by Alexandra Lexton.
I really have to stop writing notes late at night! Thanks for reading.
Quick does anyone know the relationship between Chasing Mercury and The Elephant in the Room:Bioethical Concerns in Human Milk Banking?
By now you all know that a sports illustrated model breastfed her baby on a Runway during Fashion Week a couple of weeks ago right? ( The baby was wearing noise cancelling head phones.)
I’m happy to Share that The Elephant in the Room: Bioethical Concerns in Human Milk Banking is in the top 100 of three amazon ebook areas: And also the print book his holding her own as well. The book is a fundraiser with proceeds going to Mothers Milk Bank San Jose so …. You might want to read the Bridge the Gap
Mothers Milk Bank San Jose is my Fiscal Sharing Partner for this project — The Elephant… In Amazon ebook: The book is available in Ebook and Paper Back. It is currently on Amazon and will be in Ingram Partners distribution (independent books stores too) by the end of November. IT’s a short quick read as well as a bit of a primer on bioethics and narrative. It might be particularly useful for students not just of medicine but psychology, writing, film & TV, sociology