FOR SAMA is a documentary film by International Emmy Award-winning Journalist and film director, Waad Al-Kateab. The project was brought to fruition with co-director Edward Watts. it was my honor to meet Waad and her husband, Dr. Hamid Al-Kateabwho is featured in this astounding work documenting about the core of what it means to resist the degradation of the human spirit with persistent humanity. My full review will follow shortly on See FOR SAMA’s trailer is here on this blog. I am asking you to support FOR SAMA and human rights and the people in the war-torn Syria. You can increase the power of this film through your viewership. PLEASE SEE FOR SAMA’s WORLD BROADCAST PREMIERE this Tuesday. TOMORROW, November 19, 2019. Check your localFRONTLINEPBS/Channel 4 broadcast: HERE
There is a new very short film on mercury in your body from the Minamata Convention on mercury. There are a whole series of short films on the subject produced by UNESCO with the Convention secretariat. On YouTube under the tag #MakeMercuryHistory there are several short films that might answer questions you have about mercury. People are still asking me about it over the fish couters in various markets.
Remember Governments may come and go, and a million people are tweeting about the USA excutive officer while he gives a life feed speech in Mississippi — but heavy metals are here to stay so the Mercury Convention folks are working internationally to: contain mercury, reduce technology that uses mercury, find alternative technologies to replace them, remediate the environment and the improved or compensate lives that have been damaged by this particular heavy metal. Also, I’ve been updating the Mercury and Minamata Convention on Mercury page of my website. So have a look. And use that #MakeMercuryHistory.
I’m delighted to be introducing my this year’s book THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM:BIOETHICAL CONCERNS IN HUMAN MILK BANKING to the independent book store community beginning at the guiding light of community based readers BOOK PASSAGE CORTE MADERA, on Saturday, AUGUST 3, 2019, at 4PM. Joining me will be Pauline Sakamoto the founding director of Mothers Milk Bank San Jose — the organization to whom the proceeds from the sales will be allocated and Susan Martinelli of the California Breastfeeding Coalition—who is a lactation consultant with the County of Marin— my own home county.. Please join us, kids welcome, as we celebrate and promote the international WORLD BREAST FEEDING WEEK !
I had a great time with The Inner Typewriter author-host Scott Calhoun taping three episodes. He wanted to know how writers should think about bioethics. I used as an example EVENING AT THE GARDEN and some Prime Time TV shows. Please Follow, Share and Subscribe to the Inner Type Writer. We also talked a bit about Chasing Mercury and it’s underpinnings in bioethics. It’s a fun show that has writers talk/think about things of interest to—well—other writers. Also Scott is a typewriter collector. Think of the film CALIFORNIA TYPEWRITER where I learned Tom Hanks (among others) Collect typewriters and I’ve been planning to go to Berkely to the store ever since!The typewriter on the desk was the same model that I learned to type on at my grandmother’s house when I was five! Great Coffee and donuts too on the set.
I had a great time with The Inner Typewriter author-host Scott Calhoun taping three episodes. He wanted to know how writers should think about bioethics. I used as an example EVENING AT THE GARDEN and some Prime Time TV shows. Please Follow, Share and Subscribe to the Inner Type Writer. We also talked a bit about Chasing Mercury and it’s underpinnings in bioethics. It’s a fun show that has writers talk/think about things of interest to—well—other writers. Also Scott is a typewriter collector. Think of the film CALIFORNIA TYPEWRITER where I learned Tom Hanks (among others) Collect typewriters and I’ve been planning to go to Berkely to the store ever since!The typewriter on the desk was the same model that I learned to type on at my grandmother’s house when I was five! Great Coffee and donuts too on the set.
Quick does anyone know the relationship between Chasing Mercury and The Elephant in the Room:Bioethical Concerns in Human Milk Banking?
By now you all know that a sports illustrated model breastfed her baby on a Runway during Fashion Week a couple of weeks ago right? ( The baby was wearing noise cancelling head phones.)
I’m happy to Share that The Elephant in the Room: Bioethical Concerns in Human Milk Banking is in the top 100 of three amazon ebook areas: And also the print book his holding her own as well. The book is a fundraiser with proceeds going to Mothers Milk Bank San Jose so …. You might want to read the Bridge the Gap
Mothers Milk Bank San Jose is my Fiscal Sharing Partner for this project — The Elephant… In Amazon ebook: The book is available in Ebook and Paper Back. It is currently on Amazon and will be in Ingram Partners distribution (independent books stores too) by the end of November. IT’s a short quick read as well as a bit of a primer on bioethics and narrative. It might be particularly useful for students not just of medicine but psychology, writing, film & TV, sociology
On March 2, 2018 I will be at the University of Illinois, Chicago Medical College. We are going to do some exercises looking at narrative, creativity, enhance the capacity to be good clinicians by being healthy creative people who listen actively and understand and are fed by stories. It should be fun. The notes for the reading and screening are here.