
September Williams Author of Chasing Mercury: A short film on mercury in the body

September Williams Author of Chasing Mercury: A short film on mercury in the body

There is a new very short film on mercury in your body from the Minamata Convention on mercury. There are a whole series of short films on the subject produced by UNESCO with the Convention secretariat. On YouTube under the tag #MakeMercuryHistory there are several short films that might answer questions you have about mercury. People are still asking me about it over the fish couters in various markets.

Remember Governments may come and go, and a million people are tweeting about the USA excutive officer while he gives a life feed speech in Mississippi — but heavy metals are here to stay so the Mercury Convention folks are working internationally to: contain mercury, reduce technology that uses mercury, find alternative technologies to replace them, remediate the environment and the improved or compensate lives that have been damaged by this particular heavy metal. Also, I’ve been updating the Mercury and Minamata Convention on Mercury page of my website. So have a look. And use that #MakeMercuryHistory.

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September Williams Author of Chasing Mercury reads from new book The Elephant in the Room at Book Passage, Corte Madera August 3, 2019 for World Breast Feeding Week!

September Williams Author of Chasing Mercury reads from new book The Elephant in the Room at Book Passage, Corte Madera August 3, 2019 for World Breast Feeding Week!

Hi all,

I’m delighted to be introducing my this year’s book THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM:BIOETHICAL CONCERNS IN HUMAN MILK BANKING to the independent book store community beginning at the guiding light of community based readers BOOK PASSAGE CORTE MADERA, on Saturday, AUGUST 3, 2019, at 4PM. Joining me will be Pauline Sakamoto the founding director of Mothers Milk Bank San Jose — the organization to whom the proceeds from the sales will be allocated and Susan Martinelli of the California Breastfeeding Coalition—who is a lactation consultant with the County of Marin— my own home county.. Please join us, kids welcome, as we celebrate and promote the international WORLD BREAST FEEDING WEEK !

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