Thanks Marin Magazine for the Shout Out About the August 3. 2018 reading of the Elephant in the Room. at
Book Passage, Corte Madera !
Read MoreWorking Mothers of INfants
Thanks Marin Magazine for the Shout Out About the August 3. 2018 reading of the Elephant in the Room. at
Book Passage, Corte Madera !
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I’m delighted to be introducing my this year’s book THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM:BIOETHICAL CONCERNS IN HUMAN MILK BANKING to the independent book store community beginning at the guiding light of community based readers BOOK PASSAGE CORTE MADERA, on Saturday, AUGUST 3, 2019, at 4PM. Joining me will be Pauline Sakamoto the founding director of Mothers Milk Bank San Jose — the organization to whom the proceeds from the sales will be allocated and Susan Martinelli of the California Breastfeeding Coalition—who is a lactation consultant with the County of Marin— my own home county.. Please join us, kids welcome, as we celebrate and promote the international WORLD BREAST FEEDING WEEK !
Read MoreGrady Harp is one of the top reviewers on Amazon and he has written a review of The Elephant in the Room: Bioethical Concerns in Human Milk Banking which truly warms my heart. I know the whole thing with babies is that they are magic anyway you look at it. But I’m glad Grady caught all the bells and whistles I could hope for a reader to recognize. He is a top contributor of reviews in Children’s books and so it makes sense that he should care deeply about a subject that affects children and families so profoundly. Despite Reading thousands of books over his reading career — he managed to dig out less apparent jewels in the little monograph with the gigantic title. He got it. it is a story for the average person — and I dare say as he did— a story for “The MAN in the street.” Things that men may not think of made the read worth while for for Grady.
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